Experience Easter Outside Video Series
An interactive way to explore the events of Easter weekend. It’s so good to be able to welcome you to Experience Easter outside, albeit not in the way we had planned, this season has made us get creative with ways of continuing to resource work in school!
Experience Christmas Video Series
An interactive way to explore the Christmas story. It’s so good to be able to welcome you to Experience Christmas this year, albeit not in the way we had planned, this season has made us get creative with ways of continuing to resource work in school!
Worship In This House
Ever wondered where to find the songs we are declaring at Telford Minster? This is that playlist.
Keep in the loop and follow for songs both new and old.
Planting as part of something bigger
Curious, how the whole adventure of Telford Minster actually began? Who is involved, who made decisions, why have a Minster in the first place? Listen to the chat Paul Pavlou from St. Mary’s in Bletchley and Matt Beer from Telford Minster originally recorded for the podcast ‘Church Plant Chat’.
Prophecy Seminar
At Telford Minster, many members of our community were interested in exploring the prophetic and how it outworks as we pray and as we witness to those around us.
Here is a link to the full seminar from Charlotte Anderson on Prophecy.