“What I receive I pass on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.”
- 1 Corinthians 15:3-4

Join us this Holy Week and Easter at Telford Minster. As we celebrate Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection, bringing an end to sin and death, and leading us out of their grasp into everlasting life with Him.

Below is the programme of Easter gatherings and celebrations throughout the week, starting with two All-In Gatherings on Palm Sunday and ending with an altogether Easter Sunday Celebration at 10AM *(no 4PM Gathering on Easter Sunday).

  • 10am + 4pm, SUN 13th April

    Come and gather with us at 10AM and 4PM for our Palm Sunday All-In Gatherings. Where we celebrate Jesus arriving into Jerusalem. There'll be worship, prayer activities, games and even a sneak peak at some of the other things to come next week. We'll see you there! 

  • 10am - 12pm or 1pm - 3pm,
    WED 16th April

    Come and 'Egg-sploreʼ the story of Easter with various crafts and activities and refreshments (maybe even some chocolate!) 

    All free and for all ages!

    Last year we had so many people we needed two sessions so this year we have two slots and you can choose which works best for you to attend.

  • 6pm - 9pm, THUR 17 APR

    Join us for an evening of reflection, prayer and worship as we dwell on the events of the last supper together.

  • 10am - 11am, FRI 18th April

    Join us for a short, simple service of reflection journeying through the final events before Jesus’ death.

  • 6am - 7am, SUN 20th April

    Come along at dawn for a short service of communion and worship to welcome in the day at dawn in the town park. Join us back at the Minster afterwards for refreshments and hot cross buns. (in the event of poor weather, we will gather at the Minster Space on Southwater Square)

  • 10am, SUN 20th April

    Gather with us on Easter Sunday for a joyful celebration as we come together to worship, celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, and witness a powerful moment of baptisms. This special celebration is open to all—come and experience the hope and new life of Easter with us!

    * There will be no 4pm Gathering on Easter Sunday